May 2016
29 May 2016
LOST in Mellieha
LOST in Mellieha
30 May 2016
Unfortunately MoMo was found dead in a garden. He wasn't one of our cats but we knew him since he was a kitten.
We don't know what happened to him but most probably he was hit by a car and went to die in a garden.
This wouldn't have happened if his owners had kept him inside....
25 May 2016
Vet day
Vet day

Munchie's back legs were still infected so he had a steroid injection.

Nina was neutered.
23 May 2016
One of the neutered cats was released in her colony after being in our recovery.
Usually this is very upsetting but Luna lives in a beautiful colony and is taken care of very well by her feeder Joanne Vella.
Usually this is very upsetting but Luna lives in a beautiful colony and is taken care of very well by her feeder Joanne Vella.
6 May 2016
Baby Champ has a lot of "mummies and daddies"; mostly daddies as Fuxa and Mickey are both males but act like mummies for our little kittens.
Especially Fuxa is the best babysitter, he already took care of a lot of motherless kittens and teaches them what normally their mummy would teach them.
It's really wonderful to see this!
Baby Champ has a lot of "mummies and daddies"; mostly daddies as Fuxa and Mickey are both males but act like mummies for our little kittens.
Especially Fuxa is the best babysitter, he already took care of a lot of motherless kittens and teaches them what normally their mummy would teach them.
It's really wonderful to see this!
4 May 2016

Rosie was neutered.

Munchie's back legs are still infected
According to the vet he's making it worse by licking it so he has to wear a (soft) collar and has antibiotics for 5 more days.
3 May 2016

A small kitten was found in the middle of the road in Mgarr.
We named her Baby Princess and she will stay in our care.